Now with mermaid

I just came across mermaid and thought it seemed quite cool. I wanted to implement support for it on my blog, but there wasn't any mention of how to do this with Middleman. Turns out it wasn't that hard, I just added an import tag to the main page template, then modified the Markdown renderer to create a proper <pre class="mermaid"> tag around any ```mermaid code blocks. You can see the full commit of this change here. Now I can create cool charts and graphs with ease within my markdown. For example:..continue...

New Year New Blog

Well here we go again. It's 2023 and I'm going to try to actually blog again. This is becoming the classic blog where a person rarely posts and usually just posts about how they'd like to start posting again...continue...

An each_with_index for SwiftUI

Lately I've been learning SwiftUI, which is pretty neat. I've noticed that when it comes to displaying a list of items: you often want access to the index value as part of your ForEach or List in order to reference a @Binding of the larger collection...continue...

A Hobbyist's Google API

Google's API is designed with serious apps in mind. That's fine, but it can be obnoxiously cumbersome and heavyweight when all you want is an access token for your own account so you can write a little hobby script. I recently went through the process of figuring this out. Here's the rundown...continue...

Enhancing middleman-syntax

Let's talk about how to set up middleman-syntax and then about some stuff I've added on top for this blog. First thing's first, of course you need to:..continue...